Equipment may be purchased for local pickup only, USPS or other mail carriers no longer handle these items.
If we are required to cancel all or part of your order, we will be contacted and credited accordingly.
IMPORTANT! PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately Bauway has discontinued standard production of their Bauway eGo CE4s. They have a limited number of select colors available while supplies last. We will purchase what we can and continue to carry these until their surplus is depleted.
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A Customer Best Seller from Bauway - Low Resistance CE4 with long double wicks, using standard, 510 drip tips.
Solid and stylish, this clearomizer features a thicker, durable roomy tank (holds over 1.6ml!) with calibrated ml markings. It requires no special filling equipment and easily disassembles for quick, hassle-free cleaning!
NOTE: Repeated heating along with repeated removal/insertion of some drip tips with thicker o-rings can stress the plastic at the top band, leading to a possible break. To minimize stress, always insert and remove drip tips with a gentle twisting and push (or pull) motion to avoid creating suction. If your drip tip seems to fit too tightly, change drip tips or fit drip tip with a thinner o-ring.
To Fill: Remove drip tip, tilt CE4 sideways and drip liquid down side until it’s just under the top line. Replace drip tip. Turn and roll CE4 to distribute liquid and saturate wicks and coil, then start vaping!
To Clean: Remove silicone cap from internal metal tube. Rinse all parts well in hot water, allow to dry thoroughly. For best results, soak CE4 in PGA (NOT rubbing alcohol) several hours or overnight, shaking occasionally to dislodge material, then rinse well and let dry. If there is a lot of buildup around the coil, before soaking, use a jewelers screwdriver (or similar tool) to GENTLY scrap/dislodge material.
Excessive Leakage: This can be caused by: Over-tightening the CE4 onto battery; an ill-fitting drip tip; by allowing CE4 to remain upside down, or leaving in extreme heat for extended periods.
Poor Wicking: A number of factors can cause poor wicking (a harsh or burnt taste). If CE4 seems to wick poorly, tilt several times to soak the wick near coil (this should be done periodically during use anyway). If problem continues:
- Check if drip tip is pushing silicone cap too far down. Adjust drip tip.
- Pull silicone cap up slightly to allow better flow.
- Try removing loose feeder wick under silicone cap.
- Check for buildup around coil. If present, replace CE4 or clean.
- Remove silicone cap, use sharp scissors to increase notch on sides of cap.
- For CE4s with long wicks - cut about 2/3 the length from each side of wick.
- Check if coil is wound/spaced too tight around wick.*
*Loosening/spreading a tight coil can be difficult, but it is doable. Using a small jeweler's flathead, start at the end of the coil wrap. GENTLY insert the blade between coil rows and twist blade to create more space between rows. It's usually not necessary to do the entire length, often a few on each side is sufficient.
Color: Clear w/stainless steel base and cap
ohm rating: 1.50ohm +/- .2
Capacity: 1.6ml Includes 1 Standard 510 Drip Tip
Threaded for use with eGo Battery or eGo Adapter
*Clearomizers are considered disposable items, so we can not accept returns other than DOA (dead on arrival).
We have not had any reports of issues with these CE4s, but we will continue to leave this notice up for informational purposes.
*NOTE: Highly acidic, citrus and cinnamon based e-liquids, and well as banana, may increase chance of some polycarbonate tanks cracking or fogging. Use of these types of e-liquids should be done with caution and at your own risk. When in doubt, we recommend testing a small area of the clearomizer by exposing it to your juice for a period before filling.